It’s beginning to …. get closer to Christmas

19 12 2011

Living in Northern California, you get used to certain things happening at certain times during the year.  Christmas, 4th of July, Halloween, etc. all happen on the same day every year because the calendar says so.  But, with that, you can usually tell what’s coming up due to feeling in the air.  On the fourth, it’s usually hot and you have more daylight to do with what you wish, and on Halloween the leaves are turning and it’s a little cooler out.  This Christmas however, I WILL be DREAMING of a white Christmas because I don’t really think it’s gonna happen.  It’s super cold out, but there’s just no moisture in the air.

It doesn’t seem to matter to my kids though.  You would think there’s nine feet of snow on the ground with how excited my kids are about Santa getting here.  I think they were both pretty good this year.  We’ll see what Santa thinks though.

I want to wish EVERYONE the Merriest of Christmas’ and I hope you all have a wonderful new year!

Me and the Mrs.

December 2011 Lunar Eclipse

10 12 2011

Well, I did it.  I got up early on Saturday morning to brave the cold and attempt to photo the eclipse.  My son Josh, told me he wanted to get up with me and check it out too.  When I went into his room at 4:15 this morning and tried to wake him up, he mumbled something, tolled over and went back to sleep.  After I got to the park, set up my tripod, and checked the temperature, I thought I should have stayed in bed too.  I was 17 DEGREES!!!  I thought for sure my camera and lens was going to going to freeze, or at least fog real bad after getting out of the warm car.  It held up though like a champ.  I ended up putting the seat down in our SUV, opening up the back hatch on the car and just shooting out of the back.  The wind was blowing a little too, so I think staying in the car (with the heater on high!) helped reduce a little bit of wobble on the tripod.  I got there a little early so I was able to get a decent photo of what we were starting out with, moon wise.

With it being so cold, I’m not going to lie, I really wanted to just make up some excuse about clouds and no visibility, but I stuck it out and was able to capture these…

While I was waiting for the for the eclipse to get into full swing, I decided to snap a long exposure nighttime shot.  It’s one of my favorite styles of photography.

90 second exposure

We were about at the half way point by now, and this is what it looked like.











It was tough getting the right exposure.  You have to detail in different lights.  It you want to capture the overall detail of the moon, you have to use a fairly quick shutter speed.  For the picture above left, I used 200 ISO, f5.6, and 1/60 shutter.  I wasn’t really getting the detail of the “eclipse” that I wanted so I monkeyed with the exposure until I got the photo on the right.  All I think I did was use a 2″ shutter.  It overexposed the bottom half of the moon, but started to bring the upper half out a bit.

The last two photos are when the moon is fully eclipsed, and why I even showed up this morning.










I have to admit that I’m a little disappointed with the quality of the photos taken with my 75-300 telephoto when it was extended all the way to 300.  The images weren’t nearly as sharp as I wanted.  I’m hoping to acquire a 70-200 f2.8, ahem….Santa?  Until then the other will have to do!

I hope you all were able to enjoy the eclipse like I did.  If so, feel free to leave a link to your photos in the comments below.  I would also like to hear about different techniques you all used to capture your images!


Upcoming Lunar Eclipse

8 12 2011

Saturday morning Northern California (all of the Pacific Time Zone as a matter of fact) will be in pretty good position to view a total lunar eclipse.  The timeline goes a little something like this….

0445 hrs –  the eclipse will begin

0605 hrs – start of eclipse totality

0657 hrs – end of eclipse totality

The sun will be starting to rise around 0600 hrs, and should give the whole experience a little extra “Mood Lighting”.  I plan on being up early to try and capture a piece of this phenomenon.

I’m not sure exactly how I will shoot the photos.  I’m going to try a low ISO, about F8, and a longer than normal exposure.  I think I’ll probably use my 75-300 telephoto lens and attempt to get “above” the lights of town.  I might even drive a little ways out of town to escape the lights.  Of course all of this is subject to change.  Things in my head rarely work out as I envision them.  Just ask my wife about the wood floor project.  I finally got the trim pieces around the doors replaced.  And it only took me 8 months!!  Progress if you ask me…

Stay tuned


What To Do?

7 12 2011

It seems that just everyone that owns a DSLR camera today thinks of themselves as a professional photographer.  I for one have a totally opposite way of thinking.  I think those that are TRUE professional photographers have something to offer the world that cannot be duplicated by a weekend shooter.  I purchased my DSLR a little less than a year ago, and really did my homework on how to use it.  It is possible to open the box, charge the battery, set it to “Auto” and start snapping away.  If you are the type of person that just wants to take a picture to reminisce about later….fine.  I have nothing against that at all.  As a matter of fact, more power to you.  You aren’t the ones I’m talking about.  I’m talking about the ones that do the same as mentioned above, yet start charging for their services, and don’t know the first thing about leaving the “Auto” setting.  Much less knowing the advantages of shooting in RAW or when to shoot JPEG.  I wouldn’t think of charging anyone for photos until I get the blessing of a true PROFESSIONAL photographer.  I am in the process of “interning” for a very good friend of mine.  She is a fantastic photographer that captures moments, not just takes pictures.  It is through her guidance and tutelage that I am acquiring my photography education.  The more I learn from her, I know the key to making great portraits or creating the right composition is not in how expensive your equipment is……it’s in seeing the art you are trying to make before releasing the shutter.  Stay tuned….Image

Photo Phun….?

4 08 2011

My wife happens to be Mindie Hilton of BaconTime with the Hungry Hungry Hypo.  Perhaps you’ve heard of her?  If not, you should probably look her up because she only has the most spectacular blog in the world.  I tried to pay homage to her on July 4th by writing her name in sparklers.  Making pretty designs with sparklers is always a hoot.  But, did you know that there is a way to photograph your designs?  I know right?  It is actually very simple.  So let’s get started…..

What you will need:

  • A camera.  Either a DSLR or one that you can manipulate the shutter speed, ISO, and aperture.
  • Sparklers or a flashlight.  Streamlight makes a cool series of lights called “Stylus”.  You can get them in a set of four different colors.  We’ll cover the different colors later.
  • Tri-pod
  • Remote shutter release (Not entirely necessary, but will help big time.)
  • The biggest thing you are going to need is… has to be DARK!

All right, we should probably start this little lesson with some education.  What people fail to realize is cameras don’t “take a picture” per say.  The sensor on the inside of the camera captures light that passes through the shutter and aperture.  Being able to control the shutter and aperture allows you to be able to control how much light reaches the sensor.  The easiest way to describe it is like this.  Imagine yourself standing in front of a window.  Now if your looking outside on a sunny day through a big window, you might have to squint a little to see better right?  Well the window your looking out of is what the aperture is on a camera.  Basically the window that you’re looking out of.  Now for the shutter and it’s speed.  The shutter is like the blinds that are on the window you’re standing in front of (go with me).  If you were able to raise and lower the blinds very fast, on that window, on that very sunny day… would probably get a pretty good picture of what’s out side.  If you were to open and close the blinds half as fast as you did the first time, you would probably let in to much light and have to squint again.  I hope this is starting to make a little sense.  You can manipulate the shutter speed (blinds) and aperture (window) to different speeds and sizes to make the picture as clear and easy on the eyes as possible.  The right speed coupled with the perfect size window can lead to some beautiful images “captured” on your sensor (your brain).

Alright enough of the boring stuff.  If you are interested though in more of the science behind taking awesome pictures, visit  I’m always going back for some continuing education.  On to the cool stuff!

I used a Canon Rebel T2i with an 18-55mm lens to capture all of these “Light Drawing” images.  The hardest part about taking these pictures was waiting for it to get dark.  In order for these pictures to come out, you need to all but lock the shutter open until you want it to close.  Remember what we talked about earlier, if the shutter stays open to long with too much light coming in, you photo will be overexposed.  Think of it as burning the light onto the sensor.  You don’t want any other light getting in your way.  At lease for this project.
O.K., so now it’s dark and we can have some fun.  Find a place where you wan to shoot your photos and have plenty of room.  Second, set up your tripod (A super steady platform is an absolute must!).  Now is where your adjustable camera comes into play.  If it has a manual mode, I would use that.  Manual mode gives you complete control over everything on your camera.  Switch your camera to the longest shutter possible.  On DSLR cameras, a “bulb” setting is often available.  When you are in “bulb” you can release the shutter and it will stay open until you hit the button again to close it.  If you don’t have “bulb” setting, your camera will tell you how long the shutter will stay open.  All cameras vary.  You just have to make sure to complete your drawing by the time the shutter closes.   With your porch light on, move to where you would like to make your art.  Have someone focus the camera on you (if you have autofocus, turn it off).  Once the camera is focused on you, you can turn off your porch light.  Now is the time to plant out the design for your picture.  You might want to practice the motions a couple of times.  Keep in mind if you are going to write something, it is going to be reversed and backwards.  You have to write it that way because you don’t want to stand between your art and the sensor.  A lot of times, only a ghostly image of yourself can be seen in addition to your art.  Anyway, after practicing your drawing, it’s go time.  If you don’t have a remote shutter switch, I would set the timer on your camera for about ten seconds before it starts the exposure.  This will give you time get in position.  On “bulb” setting you can start the exposure and actually walk through it with out being picked up.  Light your sparkler or turn on your flashlight and make your magic!  Once you’re done hit your remote shutter button and close the shutter.  It might take a minute for your camera to process the info and show you a photo, but once it does….you’ll be amazed.

This one is for Mindie, my bride.  Thank you for encouraging me to do this post, and for being the most awesome mommy in the world for our boys!

Here is a site by photographer Troy Paiva  All of his photos are taken in the dead of night with just a couple of flashlights.  Notice the tracks of the stars.  You can check out his how it’s done page for this whole process probably better explained!

Thanks for stopping by!